Meghan Cook
Meghan Cook's Details
- Title: Program Manager, Center for Technology in Government
- Institution: SUNY Albany
- Meghan Cook's presentations
As program manager, Meghan works with teams from government, corporate, and academic organizations to address information management issues through a unique collaborative process. In her role, she is responsible for overall planning and management of major Center projects, which includes conceptualizing, developing, and overseeing work focused on the policy, management, and technology issues surrounding information and information technology use in the public sector.
Over the past 15 years, Meghan has made major contributions in the areas of open government, mobile government, intergovernmental information sharing management, strategic planning, and IT business case planning. Her current portfolio includes work in open government, mobile government, and international community building.
Most recently, she led a series of related open government efforts, which resulted in the development of the Open Government Portfolio Public Value Assessment Tool and a workshop to develop a national open government research agenda. In addition, Meghan served on the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Open Government Flagship Initiative Committee and authored a chapter on public value and transparency in the online guide aimed at promoting transparency.
In the area of mobile computing, Meghan led CTG’s five year study of the use of mobile technologies in child protective services in NYS. This work produced several reports and articles on the impact of mobile technologies on CPS work policies, procedures, and practices.
Meghan’s efforts have focused on understanding how organizational capabilities, information policies, management practices, and technology choices work in concert to shape government operations and services. Her past work centered on the area of developing a portal for intergovernmental information systems in NYS and studying the collection and use of parcel data in public, private, and non profit organizations in NYS.
Meghan’s expertise also extends into community building where she led the project, Building a Sustainable International Digital Government Research Community and managed several efforts including digital government international working groups and the iGov Institute, a week long residential program for doctoral students.