Ufuoma Lamikanra is the Ag. Institute Librarian at the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS), University of Lagos Campus. She is also an adjunct lecturer in Business Law for the Distance Learning Institute at the University of Lagos. A Rockefeller-Penn Scholar, January 2010 – June 2011, recipient of the 2010 FCIL Schaffer Grant for foreign law librarians, Commonwealth Professional Fellow, at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 2011, she is currently a Global Urban Women’s Health Fellow. Determined to reduce the unacceptably high maternal mortality rate in Nigeria, Ufuoma volunteers in an advisory capacity for a non-governmental foundation called Berachah Foundation (Blood for Life), which provides blood sourced from voluntary donors free of charge to hospitals in two Nigerian states. Ms. Lamikanra has authored and edited books and articles on law and law librarianship. Her current research focus is on gender equality in the workplace, cities and women’s health and free access to law.