Max Planck Encyclopedia logoThe Law Library has recently subscribed to the electronic version of the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL).  The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law, located in Heidelberg, Germany, is one of the foremost research centers for international law.  The Max Planck Encyclopedia, first published in paper between 1991 and 2001, is an essential resource for researching international law.  Now in an electronic format published by Oxford University Press, the MPEPIL offers a comprehensive, searchable database of frequently updated and new articles by highly regarded scholars from around the world.  Articles within the MPEPIL are fully cross referenced and linked to other articles in the database.  There are also links to other Oxford University Press databases to which the Law Library subscribes:

Access is by IP address, so you can access MPEPIL from any computer in the Law School or from

Another recommended Oxford encyclopedia relating to international law is the Encyclopedia of Human Rights, also available online.

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