Scholarship@Cornell Law, the Cornell Law Library’s digital repository, is celebrating its one millionth download.Taking place on October 29, the one-millionth download was Professor Cynthia Grant Bowman’s article “Street Harassment and the Informal Ghettoization of Women” which originally appeared in the Harvard Law Review in January of 1993.

“It is very gratifying to see our repository reach the milestone of 1 million downloads,” said Associate Director for Information Management Jean Pajerek. “We have watched the download count accelerate significantly over the past year, as we have made more and more content available. We expect this trend to continue, expanding the global reach of our faculty’s scholarship.”

The library recently added the archives of the Cornell Law Review, and will soon be adding the Cornell International Law Journal and the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy to its collections.  Cornell joins institutions such as Yale, Duke, UC Berkeley, Washington and Lee, Boston College and William and Mary among others to reach the one-million download milestone.

Scholarship@Cornell Law provides open, global access to the scholarship of Cornell Law School faculty, students, and visiting scholars. It features nearly 4,000 publications of current and past faculty, law journals as well as other historical and intellectual output relating to the law school and received over 250,000 downloads in 2014 alone.


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