hocUnless you’ve been living under a pop culture rock (which in law school is highly likely) you know the third installment of the popular Netflix series House of Cards was released today. If you find yourself without a Netflix account but are still curious as to what the fuss is all about the we’ve got the two previous seasons available for checkout via our Popular DVD collection.

Along with House of Cards the collection focuses on feature films and television series, with an emphasis on law, lawyers, public policy, and government.  We also try to keep current award-winning movies and television series available.  Cornell faculty, staff, and students may check out DVDs; the loan period is seven days.

From this guide you can see our current titles and link to the catalog record to see if the DVD is available or checked out.  You can also browse the collection in person in the study area directly outside the Law Library’s Reading Room.

Do you have a suggestion for the collection? Contact Nina Scholtz, Digital Resources Librarian.

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