llama-clipAll Cornell law students, faculty, and staff are invited to enjoy pet therapy in the Saperston Student Lounge on Tuesday, April 30.  Two dogs and a llama will be available from 11am-1pm for relaxing companionship.  No sign-up required; drop by anytime.  Spouses, partners, and children are welcome.

This program is co-sponsored by the Cornell Law Library, Cornell Companions (a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community), and the Cornell Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, who will provide refreshments.

Attention Cornell Law Students:

Are you interested in sharing your opinion about study space in the library?

Consider taking a break next week to enjoy some pizza and weigh in on library space and services.  The library will be hosting a student focus group on Thursday, April 25, 12:30-1:30pm in room 389.  The group is open to the first twenty Cornell Law students who sign up here:


We hope you can join us!

Reading Room_2The Law Library invites Cornell Law 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs to submit scholarly research papers to be considered for the annual Cornell Law Library Prize for Exemplary Student Research.

Entries may include, but are not limited to, papers written for a class or journal notes.  All papers must have been written in the time period spanning May, 2012 – May, 2013.  Work product generated through summer or other employment will not be accepted.  Papers must be a minimum of 10 pages in length, must be written in proper Bluebook format, and must be properly footnoted.

First prize is $500, second prize is $250, and both winners will be invited to publish their papers in Scholarship@Cornell Law, our digital repository.  For submission procedure and selection criteria, please see Prize for Exemplary Student Research.

Papers will be accepted on an ongoing basis through May 1, 2013.  The winners will be announced May 8, 2013.

In honor of National Library Week, the Law Library is pleased to announce an amnesty for law library fines.  Return overdue Law Library books to the Circulation Desk before 5pm on Friday, April 19, to receive forgiveness for any fines owed, no questions asked.

Please note the following:

  • Amnesty applies only to Law Library books. We cannot waive fines for other libraries.
  • Fines that have already posted to your bursar account are not subject to forgiveness under this program.
  • Only overdue/late fines will be cleared, not charges associated with lost, damaged, or otherwise missing items. However, if you still have an item for which you have been billed, bring it back to the library and all charges will be waived.
  • Fines that have been paid in the past are not subject to refund.

Contact Amy Emerson at aae25@cornell.edu with questions.

Print and complete the form LawLibraryBookReturn and submit it with your library materials (if applicable) at the circulation desk.

The Law Library will host a book sale in the Reading Room, Monday, February 4 – Friday, February 8. All books cost $1.  Cash only please.  Additional books will be added throughout the week, so be sure to stop by regularly!

Holiday Hours

Dec. 17, 2012 – Jan. 19, 2013*

Monday – Friday:           8am – 5pm

Weekends:                    Closed

*Closed:  December 22, 2012- January 1, 2013

As classes end and we begin the exam period, access to the Law Library is restricted from Saturday, December 1, through Friday, December 14.  During restricted access periods the law library is open to law school affiliates, university faculty, and non-law students conducting legal research.  The law library continues to be sensitive to the needs of the university community during exams, and non-law students who need to retrieve books or obtain research assistance are welcome to visit the library for those purposes.

On Monday, December 3, 2012, the Law Library will host Cornell Companions, a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community.  From 11:00am to 1:00pm, three dogs and a llama will be available to law students in the Student Lounge.  Interested students are invited to sign up for this event at the Circulation Desk in the Library starting at 8am on Monday, November 26, until slots are filled.  Up to 25 students may attend each twenty-minute session.  The animals are vaccinated, free of parasites, trained in obedience, and screened for the proper temperament.  Enjoy this opportunity to relax before exams in the therapeutic companionship of an affectionate pet!

Co-Sponsored by the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and GPSAFC.

Stop by the Reading Room to check out our book sale throughout the week of September 17, 2012.  Most books will be priced at $1.  Some books will be priced at $5.  Cash only please.

The library is implementing a new carrel reservation system this year, as follows:

• Carrels located on the first, fourth, new ground, and basement floors may be reserved for one semester at a time by 2Ls, 3Ls, LLMs, and exchange students.
• Students must sign up in person to reserve carrels on a first-come, first-served basis. The sign-up period will span two days. The first day is reserved for students who are serving on journals or working for a professor. The second day is open to the remainder of the students identified above.
• Each carrel must be shared by two students. Students may choose a carrel partner or elect to have the library assign one.
• Carrels located on the second floor may not be reserved and are available daily on a first-come, first served basis.
STUDENTS MAY SIGN UP FOR CARRELS ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. Please come to Janet Gillespie’s office, room 352, in person, between the hours of 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm. (Please note that Janet also works shifts at the circulation desk, so you may occasionally find her there.) All carrels are numbered. A map of the carrels will be made available with the signup form for easy identification.
• All questions may be directed via e-mail or telephone to Janet Gillespie (607-255-5854).

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