Dunia Zongwe, a JSD candidate at Cornell Law School, gave a lecture at the Cornell University Institute for African Development on Sep. 2, 2010.  Dunia, who is a former fellow of the Institute, spoke about how African countries can leverage their natural resources endowments to develop infrastructure, which in turn will promote the development of socio-economic rights.  Click here to read the paper.

Luwam Dirar, Cornell JSD student

The Law Library of Congress launched a blog in August 2010 titled In Custodia Legis (translation “In Protection of Law” or “In Guardianship of the Law”).  The Law Library of Congress is the largest law library in the world with over 2.65 million volumes.  Founded to provide legal materials to Congress, the Library of Congress now takes a global approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of national legal systems and working to ensure access to the world’s laws.  The blog also has a global viewpoint and is a great way to learn about international events related to legal information as well as the LLOC ‘s special collections and interesting questions they have received (check out the one on Al Capone’s jury).

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