The Cornell Law Library invites 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs to submit scholarly research papers to be considered for the Cornell Law Library Prize for Exemplary Student Research. All papers must have been written in the time period spanning June, 2011 – May, 2012. Entries may include, but are not limited to, papers written for a class or journal notes. Work product generated through summer or other employment will not be accepted. Papers must be a minimum of 10 pages in length, must be written in proper Bluebook format, and must be properly footnoted. First prize is $500, second prize is $250, and both winners will be invited to publish their papers in Scholarship@Cornell Law, a digital repository of the Cornell Law Library. For submission procedure and selection criteria, please visit the Law Library website. Submissions will be accepted on an ongoing basis through May 2, 2012.

Did you know you can borrow more than books from the Law Library?  We have items to help further your work or take a break from it:

  • 2 Laptops with wireless Internet access and the full Microsoft Office Suite
  • 1 Flashdrive
  • 5 Digital Voice Recorders (written permission from professor required)
  • Several Earphones/Ear Buds
  • 1 Calculator
  • 10 Umbrellas
  • 1 Soccer Ball with Goal
  • 1 Frisbee
  • 1 Football
  • Scrabble
  • Chess/Checkers

Coming soon:

  • 2 iPads
  • 1 Kindle
  • 1 Digital Flip Camera
  • 1 Portable DVD Player
  • 2 Computer Mice

All items are available at the circulation desk in the Reading Room.


Have you heard the old adage that people look like their pets? Visit our Reading Room display case for a glimpse at the variety of pets kept by Cornell Law School faculty and see if you can match each pet to its rightful owner. From iguanas to horses to dogs, the critters vary from large to small, slippery to cuddly.

Perhaps at some point in your law school career, your professors made mention of their pets and you can draw on those memories. If not, no worries – the law library will be providing clues on Facebook and Twitter throughout the month of November. Make your matches, complete the contest entry form, and submit it at the Circulation Desk during regular library hours for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Amazon. Contest forms are available at the display case. Contest ends November 30, 2011.

Are you researching something subject-specific? Do you need to find more sources? Check out “What We Have” in terms of both legal and non-legal online resources.
From the Cornell Law Library web site, select “What We Have,” and from the menu at the left, select “Online Legal Resources.”
On the left is a list of online resources arranged by subject. Each resource is accompanied by a symbol (see below) informing you of which sites, if any, require you to either be on campus or to log in.

Occasionally, Cornell Law Library will review a law-related website and make that review available through InSITE. Where the law library has reviewed a website specific to that subject, those websites and their reviews can be found by selecting a source link ending with “from InSITE” (see below).

Each of these selections will yield another list of web resources relating to that subject that have been analyzed by Cornell law librarians. The analysis will provide you with information about the content and functionality of each resource.

Have you ever been on the 4th floor of the Law Library and wanted to access the wireless network with your smartphone? Well, your life just got better because wireless connectivity is now available on that floor. The 4th floor’s traditional laptop ban remains in effect as laptops can create bothersome noise. However, most other devices these days have silent keyboards. This makes iPhones, iPads, etc compatible with the quietly studious atmosphere of the 4th floor.

Connect away….

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