CALI is the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction, and Cornell Law School is a member, providing you access to over 800 interactive tutorials on narrow topics of law. Also, CALI has many lessons keyed to specific casebooks. Check here to see if your casebook is included. Some sample lessons include:

  • Basic Future Interests / Property
  • Summary Judgment / Civil Procedure
  • Liquidated Damages / Contracts
  • Capital Gain Mechanics / Federal Income Taxation
  • Authority of Partners to Bind the Partnership / Business Associations
  • Best Evidence Rule / Evidence

If you do not have a CALI account, stop by the Reference Desk or email Matt Morrison for the registration password.

On Wednesday, April 25, 2012, the Law Library will host Cornell Companions, a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community.  From 11:00am to 1:00pm, six dogs and two llamas will be available to law students in the Law School Courtyard (or foyer in the event of rain).  Interested students are invited to sign up for this event at the Circulation Desk in the Library.  Up to 25 students may attend each twenty-minute session.  The animals are vaccinated, free of parasites, trained in obedience, and screened for the proper temperament.  Enjoy this opportunity to relax before finals in the therapeutic companionship of an affectionate pet!   Please let us know if you have any questions or comments by emailing the Law Library at

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