Welcome Back! Below are a few important notes and reminders from the Law Library as the semester gets underway.

  • 24/7 Access and Law School Identification: **Returning students: please note changes**
    • Law students have 24-hour swipe-card access to the Law Library.  Students who plan to remain in the library after regular hours must have a sticker affixed to their University ID card that identifies them as law students.
    • Stickers will be available at the Law Library Open House and thereafter at the Circulation Desk.  Please stop by to pick yours up.
    • Library staff will circulate at closing and ask to see student IDs.  Students without stickers will be required to leave the library at that time.
    • To learn more about this policy, including how to replace a lost or stolen sticker, please visit the law library website at: http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/library/WhoWeAre/Policies/After-Hours-Policy.cfm
  • Carrel Reservations:
    • Carrels located on the first, fourth, new ground, and basement floors may be reserved for one semester at a time by 2Ls, 3Ls, LLMs, and exchange students.
    • Students may reserve carrels in person at the Law Library on a first-come, first-served basis. The sign-up period will span two days:
      • Tuesday, September 2: Reserved for students who are serving on journals, moot courts, or working for a professor.
      • Wednesday, September 3: For the remainder of the students identified above.
    • To make a reservation, please see Margaret Ambrose in room 380 (beside the Circulation Desk in the Reading Room) between the hours of 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm.
    • Questions may be directed to Margaret at mja224@cornell.edu or 607-255-0980.
    • All carrels are numbered.  A carrel map will be made available with the signup form for easy identification.
    • Each carrel must be shared by two students. Students may select a carrel partner or choose to have the library assign one.
    • Carrels located on the second floor may not be reserved and are available daily on a first-come, first served basis for all law students.
  • Non-book items available to borrow:
    • Laptops and MacBooks
    • iPad2s
    • Flash Drives
    • Audio Recorders (Professor’s written permission required)
    • Headphones and ear buds
    • Various games and sports equipment
    • Umbrellas
    • And more – see our website for details
  • Materials Available on Reserve at the Circulation Desk:
    • All required course books
    • Study aids & hornbooks
  • Copying, Scanning and Printing:
    • The NetPrinter and a photocopy machine are located on the third floor near the eating area.  Two state-of-the art scanners are located in the Reading Room.  Materials may be scanned and sent to email or flash drive at no charge.
  • Food and Drink:
    • No food is allowed in the Reading Room, library stacks, or carrels. An eating area is located on the third floor directly outside the Reading Room
    • Drinks in spill-proof containers are allowed throughout the library
  • Cell Phones:
    • Ringers must be turned off in the library
    • Conversations must be conducted outside of the library
  • Circulation Desk Hours:
    • Monday-Thursday, 8am-8pm
    • Friday, 8am-5pm
    • Saturday, 10:30am-5pm
    • Sunday, 10:30am-8pm
  • Reference Desk / Research Help Hours:
    • Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
    • Sunday, 1pm-6pm

Due to a breakage in the Reading Room sprinkler system, after hours key-card access will be disabled as of 5pm today until repairs can be completed. The work is being done as quickly as possible, but may take up to a couple of weeks.

During this time, please visit the library during normal operating summer hours to retrieve Reading Room materials or to check out any items at the Circulation Desk.  The rest of the library is unaffected and may be accessed as usual.

Please contact Amy Emerson with questions at aae25@cornell.edu.

cushion3Just in time for some serious studying, the Law Library is pleased to offer seat cushions.  Approximately 50 cushions were distributed throughout the Reading Room today.  All are available to use as needed, but please do not remove them from the Reading Room.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.  If they work well, we’ll purchase enough for all of the chairs.

Best of luck on exams!

As classes end and we begin the exam period, access to the Law Library is restricted from Saturday, April 26, through Tuesday, May 13.  During restricted access periods the law library is open to law school affiliates, university faculty, and non-law students conducting legal research.  The law library continues to be sensitive to the needs of the university community during exams, and non-law students who need to retrieve books or obtain research assistance are welcome to visit the library for those purposes.

Please see here for a list of alternative places to study on campus.

IMG_2461Please join the Law Library for pet therapy in the student lounge on Monday, April 28. Stop by at your leisure and visit with the animals from Noon-1pm for relaxing companionship! The event is made possible by Cornell Companions, a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community, and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Club, who will provide refreshments.

The Law Library invites 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs to submit scholarly research papers to be considered for the annual Cornell Law Library Robert Cantwell Prize for Exemplary Student Research.prizelogo

Entries may include, but are not limited to, papers written for a class or journal notes.  All papers must have been written in the time period spanning May, 2013 – May, 2014.  Work product generated through summer or other employment will not be accepted.  Papers must be a minimum of 10 pages in length, must be written in proper Bluebook format, and must be properly footnoted.

First prize is $500, second prize is $250, and both winners will be invited to publish their papers in Scholarship@Cornell Law, a digital repository of the Cornell Law Library.  For submission procedure and selection criteria, please see here:  http://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/library/WhatWeDo/HelpStudents/PrizeStudentResearch.cfm

Papers will be accepted on an ongoing basis through May 1, 2014.  The winners will be announced May 8, 2014.


As classes end and we begin the exam period, access to the Law Library is restricted from Saturday, December 7, through Friday, December 20.  During restricted access periods the law library is open to law school affiliates, university faculty, and non-law students conducting legal research.  The law library continues to be sensitive to the needs of the university community during exams, and non-law students who need to retrieve books or obtain research assistance are welcome to visit the library for those purposes.

Join the Law Library for pet therapy in the student lounge on Tuesday, December 10.  Four dogs and a llama (that’s right, a llama) will be available to all for relaxing companionship from 11am to 1pm – drop in any time!

This program is co-sponsored by the Cornell Law Library, Cornell Companions, a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community, and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Club, who will provide refreshments.

All law students are invited to an Open House at the Law Library on Tuesday, August 27, Noon-2pm.

Library resources and services will be featured, including:

  • The Reference Desk and Research Assistance in the Library
  • Research Taught in Lawyering
  • Lexis, Westlaw and Bloomberg Passwords
  • Cool Stuff to Borrow at the Circulation Desk
  • Borrow Direct and Interlibrary Loan Services
  • After Hours Access
  • A Rare Book  Display
  • Laptop Security
  • And More!

Cornell Law students

As the semester draws to a close, we recommend scheduling a customized research consultation with a librarian to prepare for summer employment.  Tailored advice includes, but is not limited to, specific jurisdictional sources, key resources in substantive practice areas, and advanced research skills and strategies. Consultations can be as short as 15 minutes or last up to 60 minutes. Our registration form allows you to specify your interests and needs, and request a particular Research Services Librarian if desired. Forms are available at the Circulation Desk in the Reading Room.

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