Check out a few of the photos from yesterday’s pet therapy event. A big thanks to the Cornell Companions program and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Club for their time and efforts in making this event possible every semester!

Join the Law Library for pet therapy in the student lounge on Tuesday, December 10.  Four dogs and a llama (that’s right, a llama) will be available to all for relaxing companionship from 11am to 1pm – drop in any time!

This program is co-sponsored by the Cornell Law Library, Cornell Companions, a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community, and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Club, who will provide refreshments.

llama-clipAll Cornell law students, faculty, and staff are invited to enjoy pet therapy in the Saperston Student Lounge on Tuesday, April 30.  Two dogs and a llama will be available from 11am-1pm for relaxing companionship.  No sign-up required; drop by anytime.  Spouses, partners, and children are welcome.

This program is co-sponsored by the Cornell Law Library, Cornell Companions (a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community), and the Cornell Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, who will provide refreshments.

New things seem to keep happening here at the Law Library.  First, we now have a Popular DVD Collection.  It focuses on law, lawyers, public policy and government in feature films.  While we currently have about 50 DVDs, we expect the size of the collection to increase.  You can browse our collection in the soft seating area of the Reading Room or online at  DVDs can be checked out for seven days.

We also have a new self-serve online room reservation system for the Law School community.  Easy access is available via your computer, phone, or tablet at  Reservations may be made for the squash court and study rooms 471 and 473, for a maximum of two hours at a time.

On Monday, December 3, 2012, the Law Library will host Cornell Companions, a pet visitation program sponsored by the Cornell University veterinary community.  From 11:00am to 1:00pm, three dogs and a llama will be available to law students in the Student Lounge.  Interested students are invited to sign up for this event at the Circulation Desk in the Library starting at 8am on Monday, November 26, until slots are filled.  Up to 25 students may attend each twenty-minute session.  The animals are vaccinated, free of parasites, trained in obedience, and screened for the proper temperament.  Enjoy this opportunity to relax before exams in the therapeutic companionship of an affectionate pet!

Co-Sponsored by the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and GPSAFC.

The Cornell Law Library invites you to a Farewell Reception in honor of the Edwin S. Dawson Rare Book Room, Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 3:30pm-6:00pm

While we’re looking forward to the new classrooms and entrance that the law school’s construction project will bring, the project also will bring an end to the Edwin S. Dawson Rare Book Room at Cornell Law Library.  To celebrate the life of a wonderful room, we’re having a farewell reception next Wednesday, October 24.  Come see highlights from the collection, including the medals of Myron C. Taylor, the Scottsboro train, and some wonderful nineteenth-century trial pamphlets and other print special collections.

More information about our special collections and a future rare book room

Fall break is coming soon to Cornell Law School.  If you’re traveling somewhere, have you thought about what you’ll read on the plane or listen to in the car?  Cornell Law Library offers downloadable e-books and audiobooks for check-out via OverDrive to its students, faculty, and staff.

Some of the currently available audiobooks include An Edible History of Humanity by Tom Standage, discussing food’s influence over the course of history, and  the comic novel Company, by Max Barry.  In e-books we have fiction, including the thrillers 12.21 by Dustin Thomason and Headhunters by Norwegian author Jo Nesbo, among others, as well as nonfiction such as Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo (“vital reading for anyone serious about confronting poverty”–Timothy Ogden, Stanford Social Innovation Review).

Don’t see the title you want? Make a suggestion!  Contact Nina Scholtz or Dan Blackaby with your suggestions, comments, and questions.

A local artist, Cheryl Chalmers, painted the beautiful watercolor of Cornell Law Library on the front cover of the September/October 2012 issue of Bookmarks.   Cheryl’s gallery is near Taughannock Falls (see Cheryl’s painting of the falls).


Watercolor of Cornell Law Library by Cheryl Chalmers

The law library has launched a one year pilot of OverDrive, a service offering downloadable popular and classic e-audiobooks and e-books, for Cornell Law School students, faculty, and staff.

For instructions on getting started and to browse the collection, please go to to sign in with your NetID and password.  E-books and e-audiobooks  can be downloaded to your PC, Mac®, and many mobile devices, including iPads, iPods, and Kindles. Since titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period, there are no late fees.

Comments? Title suggestions? Please let us know what you think of this new service!

A few months ago we told you about our collection of U.S. Supreme Court bobblehead dolls on display in the Reading Room.  They’ll be on view for another couple of weeks, so come on in and check them out.


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