Eep!In celebration of April Fool’s Day today we are featuring Peeps Show IV, this year’s installment of the Washington Post‘s annual diorama contest featuring that lovable, pastel-hued, sugary character—the Peep.

My favorite this year is “Balloon Peep (based on the balloon boy)”, but I think “Little Bo Peep” is pretty great too. What’s your favorite? Make sure to vote for it in the Peeple’s Choice Awards (click on the link at the top of the page).

Check out the Washington Post’s behind-the-scenes coverage or the accompanying news story. There’s even an iPhone app, but sadly I can’t bring myself to pay 99 cents for it.

One of my dearest wishes is to submit a diorama that will earn inclusion in the Peeps Show, but competition gets tougher every year (over 1,100 entries!). Some of the dioramas look downright professional, although I usually prefer the homemade look myself. Most of the best dioramas are created by teams. Maybe next year some intrepid 2L’s will band together to create a diorama based on Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. Think about it.

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