Cynthia Bowman Unmarried Couples, Law, & Public PolicyIn honor of Cornell Law School Professor Cynthia Grant Bowman‘s new book, Unmarried Couples, Law, and Public Policy, today we are highlighting a few of her other publications. In addition to a degree in law, Professor Bowman earned a Ph.D in political science, and she brings an interdisciplinary approach to her analysis of topics such as family law and feminist jurisprudence.

Professor Bowman studied the relationship between law and cohabitation–and especially its impact on low-income women–for many years before writing this book:

For more of Professor Bowman’s writings, see her faculty publications page and the Scholarship@Cornell Law online repository.

Yankee StadiumThe New York Law Journal featured an article today entitled “What Legal Challenges Ahead For New Yankee Stadium?” written by Angela M. Mazzarelli, Robert J. Patchen, and Jeffrey D. Ratner. Despite its title, the article is not a prospective look at the future of the new Yankee Stadium; instead it summarizes ten historic lawsuits involving the former Yankee Stadium.

Number 8 on the list is my favorite because of the opinion’s snarky concluding paragraph. In 1927 Harry Schafer purchased tickets for two ringside seats at the SharkeyDempsey prizefight at Yankee Stadium for $27.50 each—quite a lot of money then (click here for the results of the bout). Harry and his wife took the train from their home in Oklahoma City to NYC just to attend the fight, only to allegedly find the gates of Yankee Stadium locked. Upset and disappointed, Schafer sued to recover the cost of the trip, but the judge did not believe his story. The judge found that the defendant had, in fact, kept the gates open. But the judge offered Schafer these final words of consolation:

This was the first visit to New York for both plaintiff and his wife. They were there for three days after their tragic experience. They did some shopping in its magnificent stores, and attended the performances at several theaters. Plaintiff should find some consolation in the pride which must be his, that it can no longer be said that he and his wife did not visit the greatest metropolis in the world, and its splendid and stupendous places of amusement.

The case is Shafer v. Rickard, 132 Misc 489 (Mun. Ct. of N.Y., Bor. of Man., 4th Dist. 1928).

If you want to access this or other New York Law Journal articles and you are a Cornell Law student, you have several options available to you. Selected articles (including this one) are available in Westlaw, database code NYLJ. You can ask for a copy of the print publication at the circulation desk in the Reading Room. We keep the most recent issues stored there until we receive it on microfiche. Law students can also access the Journal’s Web site. Some of the articles are free; for articles that are not freely available, email a Research Attorney or ask at the reference desk for a password.

Yankee Stadium Photo by: / CC BY-SA 2.0

Eep!In celebration of April Fool’s Day today we are featuring Peeps Show IV, this year’s installment of the Washington Post‘s annual diorama contest featuring that lovable, pastel-hued, sugary character—the Peep.

My favorite this year is “Balloon Peep (based on the balloon boy)”, but I think “Little Bo Peep” is pretty great too. What’s your favorite? Make sure to vote for it in the Peeple’s Choice Awards (click on the link at the top of the page).

Check out the Washington Post’s behind-the-scenes coverage or the accompanying news story. There’s even an iPhone app, but sadly I can’t bring myself to pay 99 cents for it.

One of my dearest wishes is to submit a diorama that will earn inclusion in the Peeps Show, but competition gets tougher every year (over 1,100 entries!). Some of the dioramas look downright professional, although I usually prefer the homemade look myself. Most of the best dioramas are created by teams. Maybe next year some intrepid 2L’s will band together to create a diorama based on Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. Think about it.

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