With These HandsIn 1950, the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU) sponsored a documentary, With These Hands, to celebrate its first fifty years.  While previous labor films had not been successful, With These Hands used Hollywood professionals—the director was Jack Arnold, who would go on to direct 1950s cult classics such as Creature from the Black Lagoon and television episodes of popular shows—and was much more popular with audiences.  Ultimately, it was nominated for the Best Documentary Oscar in 1951.

Tonight, the Catherwood Library and the Kheel Center, part of the Cornell ILR School, are sponsoring the first public showing of With These Hands in almost fifty years.  The film will screen at 5:00 pm in 105 Ives Hall.

For more information about the film and its history, see the Kheel Center’s February 22 announcement, with a bibliography of archival materials in Kheel Center collections, written and compiled by Katie Dowgiewicz, ILGWU Project Archivist.


Carissa-Vogel_2We are pleased to introduce you to Carissa Vogel!  Carissa is our new Assistant Director for Research and Instruction and a Lecturer in Law.  She spent several years in practice in California before deciding to become an academic law librarian. She holds an M.L.I.S. from the University of Washington, a J.D. from the University of New Hampshire, and a B.A. from the University of California – Berkeley. Carissa taught first-year legal research courses, legal research for LL.M.students, sections of Advanced Legal Research, and Prepare to Practice sessions on Intellectual Property legal research in her previous position at Columbia Law School. She has been published in several library publications and is an active member of AALL, the American Association of Law Libraries.

Welcome, Carissa!

We’ve just acquired a new book that should be of interest to many of our students.  In Chambers: A Guide for Judicial Clerks and Externs by Jennifer L. Sheppard, Associate Professor of Law, Mercer University, is now available on reserve in the Law Library Reading Room (ask at the circulation desk during normal library hours). 

Professor Sheppard offers guidance on everything from attire to court organization and process to drafting an opinion. A sample bench memorandum is included, as are chapters on standards of review and drafting jury instructions.

Students looking ahead to obtaining a clerkship will also find the book useful, as it includes a chapter explaining the application process as well as sample resumes and cover letters.

While this book may be used only in the Reading Room, other books on this topic are available for checkout. Search our library catalog for the subject heading “law clerks United States”.  We also have Law Clerk Handbook: A Handbook for Law Clerks to Federal Judges, edited by Sylvan A. Sobel, available online through HeinOnline.

Cornell law students interested in speaking with a reference librarian about legal research for an upcoming externship or clerkship may request a research consultation at the circulation desk.

Don’t forget: our book sale is happening now through Friday in the Law Library Reading Room.  Books are available for purchase 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  All books are $1, cash only please.  Additional books will be added throughout the week.

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