We’re having a book sale next week! The law library occasionally gets extra copies of books and in order to make room for new titles we pass them on to you at the unbeatable price of $1. We’ll be adding titles as the sale goes along so stop by the Reading Room next week and take advantage!

book sale 2014



It’s Banned Books Week, an annual event bringing together the entire book community to celebrate the freedom to read. BBW14_Profile_op3

According to the American Library Association 307 separate titles were challenged in the United States last year alone.

To celebrate we’ve put up an exhibit in the reading room featuring some of the most frequently banned or challenged titles of the past year. Be sure to stop by and check it out as we’ll adding more titles as the week continues.

The top ten most frequently challenged books for the previous year as reported by the ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom include:

  1. Captain Underpants (series), by Dav Pilkey
    Reasons: Offensive language, unsuited for age group, violence
  2. The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
    Reasons: Offensive language, sexually explicit, unsuited to age group, violence
  3. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
    Reasons: Drugs/alcohol/smoking, offensive language, racism, sexually explicit, unsuited to age groupcage
  4. Fifty Shades of Grey, by E.L. James
    Reasons: Nudity, offensive language, religious viewpoint, sexually explicit, unsuited to age group
  5. The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins
    Reasons: Religious viewpoint, unsuited to age group
  6. A Bad Boy Can Be Good for A Girl, by Tanya Lee Stone
    Reasons: Drugs/alcohol/smoking, nudity, offensive language, sexually explicit
  7. Looking for Alaska, by John Green
    Reasons: Drugs/alcohol/smoking, sexually explicit, unsuited to age group
  8. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky
    Reasons: drugs/alcohol/smoking, homosexuality, sexually explicit, unsuited to age group
  9. Bless Me Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya
    Reasons: Occult/Satanism, offensive language, religious viewpoint, sexually explicit
  10. Bone (series), by Jeff Smith
    Reasons: Political viewpoint, racism, violence

For more information check out bannedbooksweek.org and for additional lists of recent and classic titles that have been challenged or banned in communities across the country check out The American Library Association’s Frequently Challenged Books page.


As mentioned in the Law School’s Spotlight series last week, the Avon Global Center for Women and Justice and the International Human Rights Clinic, both of Cornell Law School, and the Center for Law and Justice recently released a new handbook on juvenile law in Zambia.

The Handbook on Juvenile Law in Zambia, co-authored by students Chris Sarma ’15 and Amy Stephenson ’15, is the first handbook of its kind on Zambian juvenile law. For more information on the background of the handbook check out the previously mentioned Spotlight article, but also you can also view the handbook itself on Scholarship@Cornell Law.

From the the abstract:

Juveniles who come into contact with the law are a particularly vulnerable group. They may be victims of abuse, in moral danger and in need of care, or unaware of their rights when they are accused of committing a crime. Zambia’s domestic laws recognize this vulnerability of juveniles and grant them special legal protections. One ongoing challenge for juvenile protection is the lack of a compendium on Zambian juvenile law.

To improve access to information on Zambian juvenile law, the Center for Law and Justice and Cornell Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic have co-authored this juvenile law handbook. The handbook offers a compendium of Zambian juvenile law, including the processing of juveniles in the criminal justice system. It synthesizes relevant constitutional and statutory law, case law, and international human rights law and highlights best practices that practitioners may consider when working on matters involving juveniles.

This handbook serves as a reminder that legal practitioners, judicial officers, and citizens alike are responsible for protecting the rights of juveniles. I hope that judges, magistrates, prosecutors, and legal officers will make frequent use of this handbook. Doing so will help to ensure that juveniles in Zambia are able to access justice through the courts.

For more on the latest scholarly articles from the law school faculty visit the repository at Scholarship@Cornell Law.

The Law Library is pleased to announce that current Cornell faculty, students, and staff may now create Financial Times (FT.com) online accounts at no charge.

To create your account, while on campus (using either Cornell eduroam or Red Rover, or a Cornell hard-wired computer), navigate to https://registration.ft.com/corporate/signup/Oaq41Sl2OoGmS (popup enabling not required) or to http://www.ft.com/home/us (popup enabling required).  You should see a message inviting you to sign up to Cornell University Library’s subscription.  Follow the directions to register, using your Cornell email address ([your NetID]@cornell.edu).  You cannot register with a non-Cornell email address.

A few tips for using FT.com:

Is there a mobile app I can use?

  • Yes!  The FT web app is available for iPads, iPhones, Androids, and Windows phones) for no additional cost. Please go to apps.ft.com for more information. NOTE: The iPad and iPhone web apps are not downloaded via the app store.

Can I set up alerts? What other tools can I use?

What is FT Newslines? How do I use it?

Questions? Please contact Nina Scholtz, Digital Resources Librarian, at nes78@cornell.edu.

Every month the Cornell Law Library adds new titles to its collection. The most recent additions for 2014 are posted, here. A few highlights from this month’s additions are featured below.

Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street – Eileen Appelbaum, Rosemary Batt

private equity

Storytelling for Lawyers – Philip N. Meyer


What Makes Law – Liam Murphy

what makes law

dvdNeed a study break but can’t find what you want to watch on Netflix? Check something out from our ever-expanding DVD collection! The collection focuses on feature films and television series, with an emphasis on law, lawyers, public policy, and government.  We also try to keep current award-winning movies and television series available.  Cornell faculty, staff, and students may check out DVDs; the loan period is seven days.

From this guide you can see our current titles and link to the catalog record to see if the DVD is available or checked out.  You can also browse the collection in person in the study area directly outside the Law Library’s Reading Room.

Do you have a suggestion for the collection? Contact Nina Scholtz, Digital Resources Librarian.

  • Carrels located on the first, fourth, new ground, and basement floors may be reserved for one semester at a time by 2Ls, 3Ls, LLMs, and exchange students.
    • Students may reserve carrels in person at the Law Library on a first-come, first-served basis on Wednesday, September 3 for the remainder of the students identified above.
    • To make a reservation, please see Margaret Ambrose in room 380 (beside the Circulation Desk in the Reading Room) between the hours of 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm.
    • Questions may be directed to Margaret at mja224@cornell.edu or 607-255-0980.
    • All carrels are numbered.  A carrel map will be made available with the signup form for easy identification.
    • Each carrel must be shared by two students. Students may select a carrel partner or choose to have the library assign one.
    • Carrels located on the second floor may not be reserved and are available daily on a first-come, first served basis for all law students.
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