The LII Lawyer Directory: Good value that does good
For attorneys, registering for your free profile in the Justia/LII Lawyer Directory is a no-brainer. You can customize your directory profile and add professional details. Most importantly, a free directory profile makes it easier for potential clients to find you online.
Once registered, consider adding the LII profile badge. Badge holders have always been given preference at the top of directory listings, like the attorneys/badge holders at the top of these local and specialized listings.
But we’ve added another benefit for LII badge holders: preference in the new lawyer listings that appear in our Wex legal encyclopedia and in the LII US Code pages.
If you take a look at our WEX page on (say) real estate transactions, you’ll see attorney listings for real estate lawyers in your area. As you browse other Wex entries, you’ll notice that the attorneys’ area of expertise matches the Wex page topic. “Find a lawyer” Wex listings come from the Justia/LII Lawyer Directory with a major preference for LII badge holders. Gold LII badges are always listed in random order before silver, silver before bronze, bronze before non-badge holders.
So purchase a LII badge to start rising in the Lawyer Directory listings.
Plus it’s a nice way to show your support for LII’s mission to provide free access to legal information.