It’s a mystery how we do this
For reasons that are a mystery to us, our news aggregator periodically kicks out a blog post from very far back in time. Yesterday it resurrected a post from the “Keep Me In Suspense” blog, a resource site for writers of mystery fiction. Turns out they just love the LII. And we love people who find unusual uses for us. Here’s what they said:
The Legal Information Institute at Cornell University ( is an EXCELLENT source of background material on legal issues. This page: leads to overview articles on a host of legal issues. Have questions about child support? Start there. How about probate and wills? You guessed it – go there first. Many of the initial questions I’m asked could be answered if the person searched for an article here first. The general page breaks the law into federal and state issues and gives a helpful overview. I STRONGLY encourage you to start your legal research here.
How cool is that? We know that we’ve received mentions in at least one published mystery novel, and now we’re looking forward to others. Thanks, guys.
Around here, the biggest mystery is how we manage to keep this operation funded. If you haven’t yet made a tax-deductible contribution to the LII this year, we’d ask that you do so now. Your C-note would be greatly appreciated.
[NB: the observant among you will find our Mystery Reason for selecting the particular Hardy Boys illustration we did. If you were producing an audio book, it’s very odd that you would select as the reader a man whose reputation (and MacArthur genius grant) was based on his work as a silent clown….]