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Supreme Court Oral Arguments for week of Oct 31, 2011

This week the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in 6 cases. The topics range from the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) to ineffective counsel and whether eyewitness testimony should be allowed as evidence.

Supreme Court oral arguments for the week of October 10

It’s a short week for the Supremes this week — Monday is a legal holiday — but they’ll be hearing 5 new cases on Tuesday and Wednesday:

By the way, if you ever have questions about upcoming oral arguments, you can find a complete listing here, with links to docketing information and to the LIIBULLETIN analyses as they become available.

SCOTUS begins the October 2011 term

Today is the first day of the new Supreme Court term.  This week the Court hears cases on topics ranging from copyright to habeas corpus and the registration of sex offenders.  Here’s the calendar; as always, you can read our LII Supreme Court Bulletin case analyses by clicking on the name of the case:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011