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LVI 2012 Registration and Call for Presentations

Law Via the Internet 2012, the international conference on open access to law, is now accepting proposals for papers and presentations. This year’s conference will be held in the United States for the first time, October 7-9, 2012, at Cornell Law School in Ithaca, New York. Cornell is the home of the Legal Information Institute, the birthplace of the open access, free law movement, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.
We expect to welcome nearly 500 attendees to this year’s conference, which will feature two special keynote speakers (to be announced soon), five cross-disciplinary tracks, and a 20th Anniversary Gala. Tracks to be explored include:
  • The Promise and Reality of e-Participation
  • The Business of (Open) Legal Publishing
  • Free Law and Government Policy
  • Application Development for Open Access and Engagement
  • Data Organization and Legal Informatics
To register for the conference, submit a proposal, or learn more about the program, schedule, and special events, visit the site at Follow @lvi2012 on Twitter to stay updated on conference news and information. Proposals are due by March 15, 2012; decisions will be made by May 1, 2012.
And if your company, firm, or organization can help by sponsoring part of the conference to celebrate LII@20, please visit our sponsorship page. We look forward to seeing you in October!