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Thursdays: Tell us a story

Every Thursday, we ask you questions. Sometimes we need help with a reference question. Sometimes we need better heads than ours to interpret odd facts that pile up, like dustbunnies, in the corners of the LII. Sometimes we need an alibi. Or bail.

Today, though, it’s an easy one — we want to get to know you better. We really don’t know much about the people who use our site, and we don’t know much about who is reading or subscribing to this blog. So…. we hope you’ll use the comments to tell us your story. Why are you here? How often do you come to the LII site? What’s your favorite collection? Do you have professional or personal reasons to visit us? What are they?

We didn’t hear from many of you last week. We know you’re out there. We can hear you breathing. Tell us a story.

9 thoughts on “Thursdays: Tell us a story

  • Ok I’ll play – I am a past debater and lawyer want-a-be 🙂 and now a homeschooling Mom and full time REALTOR who is sure I’m now raising a future lawyer myself – lol. I have a love of all things legal and almost became a lawyer myself (reading One L helped me take off the rose colored glasses). I really enjoy the variety of topics and insights shared here. I’m sure I’m not your typical reader however isn’t it’s amazing all the doors the internet opens and worlds it connects.

  • I’m a disabled person on SSI who has subscribed to the LII bulletin for more than 10 years, I think. I find the discussion of the legal issues of the day to be intellectually stimulating.

  • I too liked the various types of topics shared on this blog. I cam eto this blog through internet searching only. Surely it gives the useful information to me……

  • As we are in an election year, so many of the laws we hold dear may end up being challenged or overturned. I read the LII to hear opposing points of view and where the election could change things.

  • Law will always be an interesting topic. A site like this provided interesting material. The fact that I am a Realtor makes me interested in Real Estate law.

  • I am a realtor and specifically interested in contract law in regards to real estate. I just found out about this site and am interested in reading your material. I am currently working with a buyer on a custom built home and am studying the contractual things they can do to protect themselves.

  • Hi,

    I was wondering why you had shut down the comments on the other blog posts. There would be much of relevance to discuss about your more recent posts as far as I can tell (the new Supreme Court session, etc.).

    Comments are what makes a blog a blog, else it is more like an article collection…

    Best – Alex Schleber

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