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Mysteries of the LIIBULLETIN revealed

We recently asked the 18,500 subscribers to the LIIBULLETIN to complete a survey telling us a little about themselves and about what they thought of the service.  About one in five did (a response rate that pleased us very much).  Over at b-screeds, LII Director Tom Bruce explains a bit about what the LIIBULLETIN is, how it’s made, and what he thinks is unique about it as a writing experience for law students and a service to the public.

LII meets Nolo Press. Bonding ensues.

We’ve been playing on the same team for years, but we’d never actually met.  Yesterday, LII-ers Tom Bruce, Deborah Schaaf, and Dan Nagy met with Jake Warner and the Nolo team at their headquarters in Berkeley (or Ithaca West, as we prefer to think of it).  We had a great time meeting everybody.

Both groups are dedicated to the idea that non-lawyers can and should understand law, and both have been pursuing that goal for years.  Surprising that we’d never actually met before now, but mutual friend Tim Stanley of Justia was kind enough to perform the introductions. We think there is a lot that we’ll be able to do together in the future– stay tuned.

Our first planned joint activity was to have been a competition to see whose building has the more confusing layout, but the LII has decided to concede the title to Nolo’s extremely cool old clock factory.

(Jake and Tom may look dedicated and intense in the photo, but actually they were talking about sports.  Tim posted more photos here.)

LII launches VoxPopuLII

This week, we’re launching VoxPopuLII — a blog that will feature work by a lot of people you may not have heard of.  We’ve invited folks who are doing good work in public legal and government information to write about their big ideas on technology, policy, and everything else that has to do with the field.  The inaugural post is by Kerry Anderson, the Deputy Director and head of IT for SAFLII, the Southern Africa Legal Information Institute.  New pieces will appear twice monthly.

As LII Director Tom Bruce points out over at b-screeds this week, the field of legal information is much bigger than it ever has been. It’s still growing fast.  VoxPopuLII is our way of highlighting the new diversity in  the field and bringing your attention to some voices you may not have heard before.  We certainly hope you’ll read it, and that some of you will join us as commenters and guest-bloggers.

Supreme Court arguments this week


The Supreme Court hears another 6 cases this week.  The quick rundown follows, with the usual link to our complete analysis of each case.

Monday, March 2

Tuesday, March 3

Wednesday, March 4

Don’t forget — you can get your very own free subscription to the LII Supreme Court Bulletin will get you a summary of all Supreme Court cases delivered directly to your inbox 2 weeks before the scheduled argument.