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Help us make our case

Every year during December, we seek donations from those who believe that law should be accessible to everyone.  That can be a hard case to make; the world does not often give us dramatic illustrations of the fight against legal deception —  like the one provided by Sheriff Joe Arpaio — or the opportunity for our donors to wager against the prominent academic law librarian who has placed our life expectancy at under ten years  (we’ve been around for 17, which means that next year we’ll have been on the scene longer than most first-year law students).

The LII’s impact is spelled out in a lot of stories — yours.  They may seem boring or everyday to you (“I use the LII every day in my job”), but every single one is valuable to us.  It may seem like a strange thing to say, but we need you to tell us what we’re doing.  It’s only by asking our audience that we really find out what people value about us, who those people are, and why they keep coming back here in such large numbers.

So, if you could take five minutes today and send Tom Bruce (tom-dot-bruce -at- cornell-dot-edu) a few sentences about who you are and why you use the LII, that would be very much appreciated.  Or  put a few words in the comments on our announce blog (where this will initially be posted) or on our Facebook page.  Your stories are more helpful to us than you can imagine.

3 thoughts on “Help us make our case

  • for our donors to wager against the prominent academic law librarian who has placed our life expectancy at under ten years (we’ve been around for 17, which means that next year we’ll have been on the scene longer than most first-year law students).

    The LII’s impact is spelled out in a lot of stories — yours. They may seem boring or everyday to you (“I use the LII every day in my job”), but every single one is valuable to us. It may seem like a strange thing to say, but we need you to tell us what we’re doing. It’s only by asking our audience that we really find out what people value about us, who those people are, and why they keep coming back here in such large numbers.

    So, if you could take five minutes today and s

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