LII : in more places than you might think
Google and others provide us with tools that tell us a lot about those who use and value our materials — especially bloggers. And from time to time we salute some of those folks here. But such net-based tools don’t find their way to some of the places that LII resources do — like college classrooms, textbooks, trade magazines, continuing legal education courses, and countless term papers every year. For example, our LIIBULLETIN analyses of upcoming Supreme Court decisions can be found each month in the Federal Lawyer, the magazine of the Federal Bar Association, which is also distributed to all Federal judges and members of Congress. But we are much more often found in class handouts that discuss Supreme Court cases, educational materials for lawyers who are keeping up their professional skills via continuing education, and textbooks in the US and abroad. Our favorites over the years have included books for fledgling writers, the Investigator’s Guide for the GAO Office of Special Investigations, and (just today) a work on aviation management — and a search of Google Books shows the LII mentioned in more than 700 works.